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Kirigami and Tenshiko are a couple both in ropes and in life. They have been teaching and performing in different European cities since 2012. In 2016 they opened School of Rope Milano, where they teach traditional bondage three times a week to local students and foreign visitors.

Their rope is inspired by the most traditional Japanese style bondage, with an eclectic approach encompassing both private sessioning and photography.

We will approach traditional semenawa from a practical and theoretical point of view, understanding the iconic patterns of the style, and the philosophy behind them.

The gote/TK
We will analyse a stemless gote, understanding its structure and historical development. The differences with an original Japanese TK will be described both from a technical and philosophical point of view.

Basic patterns
Some iconic patterns will be taught and put in use. Both floorwork and simple suspensions will be part of the schedule. Each basic pattern will be used to teach a skill that can be carried over and used in several other ties.

Depending on the level of participants, some basic ties will be variated and transformed into new shapes. Variations are didactically skill-oriented, and participants will improve rope and body handling while experimenting with new ties.


Saturday, March 9th and Sunday March 10th
1.00 pm to approx. 6.30 pm both days 10 hours of workshop
Number of participants
8 - 9 pairs
Level of difficulty
For advanced and experienced rigger and models experienced in suspension*
Workshop language
CHF 380.00 per couple for 10-11 hours of training (approx. 30 minute break twice)
Bring with you
Rope set with 7-10 ropes of 7-8m each approx. 5 - 6 mm thick made of natural fibre (jute, hemp). In addition, carabiners if available and a safety tool..